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When is SQL Server 2019 a better choice than SQL Server 2022?

  • Microsoft
  • Product comparison

12. 7. 2024

When looking for an SQL Server to deploy in their IT infrastructure, organizations often jump to the latest version on offer by Microsoft – currently this is SQL Server 2022 which allures new customers with a prospect of deeper collaboration with Microsoft Azure services. However, it also brings important (and potentially quite costly) changes in its licensing terms and conditions, which should be carefully evaluated by customers who wish to avoid unnecessary spending, especially if it’s for features they do not need or use.

So what is different between SQL Server 2019 and SQL Server 2022?


You can see a comparison of SQL Server 2022 and SQL Server 2019 features here: SQL Server comparison table


The basic licensing rules for SQL Server 2019 and SQL Server 2022 remain largely the same – both of them can be licensed either using the Per Core model or the Server+CAL model.

The most significant change lies in the virtualization rights for individual virtual machines.

Individual virtual machines are usually used by customers whose SQL Server instance uses only a fraction of the available computing resources of the server. Deploying databases as virtual machines (VMs) and allocating a limited number of cores to them reduces the number of required SQL Server core licenses that need to be purchased, which can result in considerable savings in licesing costs.

With SQL Server 2022 Microsoft introduced new conditions for this practice which reduce its cost-effectiveness in comparison to SQL Server 2019, as explained below:

SQL Server 2019 Per Core

Licensing of individual VMs requires the purchase of an SQL Server 2019 core license for each virtual core allocated to the VM, with an obligatory minimum of 4 core licenses per VM.

Under SQL Server 2019 Per Core licensing rules, Software Assurance subscription is not required in this scenario, and thus perpetual licenses can be used without any risk of losing license compliance with the terms and conditions set by the software manufacturer. 

For all licensing rules, check the official SQL Server 2019 licensing guide book.

SQL Server 2022 Per Core

Beginning with SQL Server 2022, licensing for individual VMs is available only under subscription licenses (like those coming from CSP, for example) or perpetual licenses with active Software Assurance

This means that in order to license individual VMs using the Per Core model, all customers must purchase a core subscription license or a license with active Software Assurance for each virtual core allocated to the VM (with an obligatory minimum of 4 core licenses per VM). 

For all licensing rules, check the official SQL Server 2022 licensing datasheet.

Note that for both SQL Server 2019 and SQL Server 2022 individual virtual machines can also be licensed with the Server+CAL model and in such cases an active Software Assurance is not obligatory. 

Did you know? 

It is still possible to purchase SQL Server 2019 Enterprise in the Server+CAL licensing model! To find out more, check the product description on our website

SQL Server 2019 and 2022 licensing comparison table – summary

  SQL Server 2019 SQL Server 2022
Licensing model Server+CAL; Per Core Server+CAL; Per Core
Virtualization rights available without Software Assurance for both Server+CAL and Per Core models Software Assurance mandatory for the Per Core model
Supported operating systems Windows 10 TH1 1507 or newer
Windows Server 2016 or newer
Windows 10 TH1 1507 or newer
Windows Server 2016 or newer
End of support 8.01.2030 11.01.2033


In order to achieve the best licensing optimization, potential customers should carefully assess their actual needs regarding the features and virtualization of SQL Server. The requirement for SQL Server 2022 virtual machines with Software Assurance can significantly increase the overall cost of licenses, but some advanced projects and virtualized IT environments cannot be properly licensed without the SA coverage. On the other hand, SQL Server 2019 can easily meet the requirements of many smaller projects and less complex virtual environments without leading to any additional subscription costs, rendering the purchase of SQL Server 2022 unnecessary.

Not sure which one suits your project better? Contact us!

Do you have redundant SQL Server licenses? Sell them to us!

Is your company planning to upgrade to SQL Server 2022? Don’t forget that your software assets still have value! If you’re in possession of older SQL Server licenses, such as SQL Server 2019 or 2017, we can buy them from you. Sell your perpetual SQL Server licenses and earn extra funds for the future projects. For more information, visit our Sell software website.

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