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Buy Software

Save dozens of percent of software costs with used software!

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It might sound almost too good, but it’s true. There is a way to save a big amount of IT costs – by buying used software for your employees.

So what exactly is used software?

Used software is any software that was previously owned by someone and who then decided to sell it further. The most common reason is that the software product becomes redundant as its owner wants to upgrade to a newer version for example.

Forscope is a software broker – we buy redundant software products (that meet all necessary requirements) from companies and then sell them to our customers.

There’s no difference between new and used software in terms of functionality – it is still the same software product.

Is used software legal?

Yes, it is. The CJEU (Court of Justice of the European Union) decided that selling used software is legal in 2012. You can read more about the legal background of used software in our article.

2 ways to save with used software

Depending on your company or institution needs, you can choose which of the following options will suit you better:

What products do we offer?

We can provide a wide selection of Microsoft products, but also other popular software such as Autodesk products for example.

Below, you can see the most popular categories only, check our e-shop to see our complete offer.

We constantly add new products to our portfolio, so that we’re able to offer just what the customers are looking for. It’s also possible to request software that is not on our current offer and we will do our best to get it for you.

The Microsoft products that we sell come from the Volume licensing channel, so they are best suited to companies and organizations. Read more about the benefits of Volume licensing.

Not sure which product to choose? We’re here to help!

Our certified licensing specialists, who provide free comprehensive licensing consultancies, will help you decide which product will suit the needs of your organization the most. 

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  • What our customers say about us

    Forscope provided Microsoft Windows Server and Office products to our administration. We saved 73% in comparison with new software. As a public institution, we are happy that we can use the saved resources for other important expenses.

    Attila Kaizer, IT Department Lead of Újpest Municipality
  • What our customers say about us

    For a long time, our hospital has been steadily striving to save public money by making use of both used hardware and software. Thanks to the cooperation with Forscope we were able to save about 80% of costs in comparison to regular prices. The saved assets can now be used for a highly needed equipment in favor of both our patients and doctors. Forscope employees also helped us with everything regarding legal and licensing matters!

    MUDr. Jozef Tekáč, MPH, General Manager of Poprad Hospital
  • What our customers say about us

    We worked with Forscope regarding the supply of MS Windows Server products for our company. We were considering more options, but then we received information about used software, which offers significant cost savings. Forscope also has many good references, which convinced us that this is a high quality supplier.

    Miroslav Skřítek, IT manager of Czechoslovak Ocean Shipping

Our customers

  • Hell Energy.jpg HELL Energy
  • DPD-logo_300x225px.jpg DPD
  • Freyssinet_300x225px.jpg Freyssinet
  • _0017_Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí České republiky.jpg Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic
  • _0018_Ministerstvo investícií, regionálneho rozvoja a informatizácie Slovenskej republiky.jpg Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic
  • _0023_Hlavné mesto Slovenskej republiky Bratislava.jpg Bratislava City
  • _0012_Nemocnica Poprad.jpg Poprad Hospital
  • _0007_Slovenské elektrárne.jpg Slovak Electricity Company
  • _0015_Národná diaľničná spoločnosť.jpg National Motorway Company, Slovakia
  • _0022_Letisko M. R. Štefánika.jpg Bratislava Airport
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Do you provide quantity discounts?

We provide individual project prices for projects worth over 2 000 €, so you can save even more. Plus, we have special price lists for our customers – once you make an order, an account is created for you, and you can buy products for lower prices (after logging into your account)!

What will we receive after purchase?

You will receive an invoice, a digital certificate that contains all required documentation for your purchased products as well as instructions on how to download, install, and activate them.

What would happen in case of an audit?

If an audit occurs in your company, or organization, you are obliged to prove you have acquired your software products legally – by showing the documentation you’ve received when buying them. Since our company provides all necessary documentation as well as audit assistance if needed, there’s nothing to worry about. We have never come across a single case of negative ruling in a software audit of the products that we provide.  You can read more about audits in our article.

Can companies that apply for EU funding buy used software?

Yes, definitely. There is no law, or directive that forbids drawing and using the EU funds for used software. The whole concept of used software is built on the exhaustion of distribution rights, which was harmonized in the EU Directive 2001/29/EC in May 2001.  
Used software also supports the idea of a circular economy, which is one of the main building blocks of the new European Green Deal, and will become even more important in the near future as it will reflect in the conditions for drawing funds.

Can there be any technical issues with used software products?

If the software is installed, activated, and used according to its specifics, there is no reason why it would suddenly stop working (e.g. become deactivated) solely on its own. There’s no difference between new and used software in terms of functionality – it is still the same software product, with the same source file being used for installation.

Technical functionality and software performance is heavily dependent on changes on the manufacturer's side (released updates and fixes), but as far as activation status of the product is concerned, there's no reason for any issues to occur. In case you need help with activation of products that you’ve purchased in our eshop, we can always provide all the necessary help and assistance. 

Does used software receive updates (security patches, fixes) from the software manufacturer?

Yes, it does. Used software products receive all security updates, fixes and security patches released by the manufacturer, in accordance with the lifecycle policy for each specific product. They also come with the same features and standard technical support as provided by Microsoft or any other software manufacturer. There is no difference between updates for used software bought from us and  new software sold directly by the software manufacturer.

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